Wednesday, November 14, 2007


If I were to make a documentary about anything in the world, it would be about the lives of reality T.V. stars after they are no longer on T.V. (Let us write this topic off to the rash of reality T.V. that I have watched as of late. I am normally not reality T.V. fan, but once and a while it is fun to indulge myself.)

Once, when I lived in Boston, I was waiting for the T and I saw a cast member from MTV's Road Rules. My friend who I was with immediately recognized this person. Once it was noted that we (we meaning all of us waiting for the T) and small commotion was created. The Road Rules star was quickly encircled and buried with questions. What was it like to be on the show? How did it feel to watch yourself on T.V? Did they portray you accurately? What are you doing now?

These are all questions that MTV and other networks try to answer. They want their viewers to feel well informed about the shows that they are choosing to watch. They also want their viewers to feel good about the television choices that they are making. However, I do not feel as if we can trust what a company has to say about their own show.

I want to make a documentary about how being on T.V. really affects a "real" person. Are they able to find work afterwards? Does it affect their personal life? Their romantic life? How are things different from before? Is post production/stardom what they thought it would be? For how long do you get recognized? Were you fairly portrayed on T.V.?

1 comment:

Bakes said...

Nathan, a great idea for a documentary . . .Looking at Britney, Mariah or M.J. for example, the entertainment industry has the potential for self-destruction on a massive scale.